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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My long weekend is coming to an end in another hour or so... must get back to my work 2moro!! wat i hav been waiting for did not come... was rather disappointed... wat i was expecting was realli a simple thing... but....

it realli brings down my mood... den @ this point of time, my mom "added a full bucket of OIL to the fire"... my mood = Rainy Day.... luckily my name was not RAINIE...will crows fly pass my head now???

going to bed agn in a moody mood...
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
11:05 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Feeling down today... visited some frens' facebook... saw some pictures...reminded of something...missing the days... watched a sad show... looking back... all these seems so down 4 me... haiz...

Holidays are over 4 me... cant bear to leave tw... but i m back in SG agn... back to my boring "daily activities"...

hoping 4 some changes in my life... student life is realli more exciting...

going 2 bed in a moody mood...
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
11:59 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009
weekends passes realli fast... 3 quarter of a sunday gone in jus a blink of an eye...

had fun @ the steamboat session on friday... but was realli tiring washing so many dishes after tt... wahaha... who ask us to hav home-style steamboat session... all becos of the 2 "enormous" puppy... but they are realli cute...

watched some touching & romantic shows these 2 days... made me wondered whether will these things realli happens...? wahaha... are these scenarios taken from real life...? if so, i am so envious of them... they are able to find someone that cares for them so much... =)
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
5:33 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009
Finalli is FRIDAE!!

get to leave office @ 4pm todae... hee... got 2 hrs time off todae... luckily me & ange took the time off tis week..cos tis week passes realli slow... time is takin its own sweet time tis week...

meet up wif ah ming & floppie todae...haa... so fun!! my lame sis made us so paisai.. mistakingly pull me out of train @ ORchard station while we are meeting @ Semb... den we dashed bck 2 e train... after a while, jus be4 e doors closes, 2 gals screemed & dashed out of e train.... wahaha... they nearly forgot 2 alight...

so there are actualli a total of 4 sotongs in e cabin...

floppie..... I hav 2 say 2 U... "PEIFU" I tink I may not hav e same courage as u... haa... tink u know wat i'm saying... cant imagine e weakest looking one has e bravery... Looks deceives.... wahahaah!!
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
11:55 PM

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Today was a relaxing day... spend my day @ home watching TV and resting... woo~~ these 2 daes watched some shows, sudd rem a line frm 1 of the show... humans are the onli kind of living thing tt are able to hide their feelings veri well... many jus dun dare to express their feelings to others... worried tt they might get rejected... worried tt they might even lose their frenship... and many may hav jus " 错过" each other...

Here's is a nice song which i like frm 梁靜茹:
如果我說 愛我沒有如果錯過就過 你是不是會難過若如果拿來當借口那愛是不是有一點弱如果我說 愛我沒有如果真的愛我就放手一搏還想什么 還怕什么快牽起我的手有人說世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死而是我就站在你面前你卻不知道我愛你我常說如果人類連愛一個人都被自己綁住那世界末日已來到不需要等到地球毀滅掉的那天如果我說 愛我沒有如果錯過就過你是不是會難過若如果拿來當借口那愛是不是有一點弱如果我說愛沒有如果真的愛我就放手一搏還想什么 還怕什么快牽起我的手

So if u r brave, dun 錯過, 愛就放手一搏... haha...
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
9:21 PM

Valentine'S Dae!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happi Valentine's Day 2 all my beloved friends...

my office actualli started celebrating valentine's dae yesterdae! haha... when i reached office, i saw flower at my desk... guess wat...when i turned my head ard, every table within my team got 1 too....wahaha... i tink too much...

but it realli brighten up my dae as i was feeling down the day before...
i am realli glad tt i've got nice colleagues! 1 of my female colleague was so caring, she actualli prepared flowers for all colleagues in our team... each flower was wrapped nicely and tagged with a personalised heart-shaped note... she was so "you xin" tt she even bought chocolate eclaire for us...

todae to me is still the same...hoping for something diff...wished tt there will be changes for the better...& i wished the same for my frens tt was wif me yest too !!
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
2:22 PM

Friday, December 05, 2008
sudd had a thought, actualli guys cares more on looks den gals...even though usualli gals are e 1 tt dressed up... if u see most couples on the streets... u'll frequently see a beautiful gal with a "not so good" looking guy... but u wont get to see a handsome guy matching with a "not so good" looking gal often... haha... tts wat i always realise... the galfrens are so pretty and gorgeous but take a look @ e 1 beside her, its jus average lookin...

maybe "jun nan mei nui" cant give n take... haha... pretty galfrens are more demanding...hence would need a more compromising companion... wahaha...but i do admire those good-lookin & intelligent gals...@ least they make the effort to improve themselves....tts wat let them have the right to be more demanding...

wahaha... recently saw a advertisment on a show... its abt a handsome guy tt fell in love wif a terribly ruggard gal...i meant those "below-average" & strange type... wil guys realli fell in love wif this kind of gals??? i wont say anything if the gal was a average gal...

Love is blind??? i dun know...
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
12:44 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Wa!! wat a experience i had last thursday... not a good one actualli... went for health screening provided by my company... had to take blood test, so... they cannot find my veins lor... wa.. pok in then pull out... woo~~ the nurse kept sayin 'sorri sorri ah'.. den another nurse pok in the other hand....

a bit pain la, but my body felt funny... dunno how to describe...

climax is..... went we walked to the lift, my head realli spinning (quote from sm, haha) spin until i cant open my eyes... den within secs, my hand tt was holding onto the wall had not much feeling alr... den like going to faint... sianz... too bad, no suai ge ard... haha.. jokes aside, luckily still can talk... i told angela tt i fainting... den she n the receptionist held me to sit down.... scary sia... den got free milo to drink...

last time during secondary school, dun believe tt ppl can faint after drawing a small bottle of blood... realli leh.. my turn now.... so its REAL!!!!

now got blue-black on my arm.. sobbsobbss....
RoManTiC N WonDeRfuL LoVe ^_^
- my dream loVe
2:11 AM

To Be A princess...

Gracie Chin
10th august :)
Send me a mail! ^-^
princess's picks

Tiramisu Donuts..
Sing K..
NoKia n Johnni..
Pokiees n Frens..

Work smoothly
Travel to Taiwan and Korea
Able to enjoy my favourites w/o "daijia"
Happi n stable job
Own Cafe...

Unfriendly colleagues :(
Dragon Fruit
Kiwi Fruit
unoffical conversations

other royals
royal sweet memories
|July 2006|
|August 2006|
|September 2006|
|October 2006|
|November 2006|
|December 2006|
|January 2007|
|February 2007|
|March 2007|
|April 2007|
|June 2007|
|September 2007|
|November 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|March 2008|
|August 2008|
|October 2008|
|November 2008|
|December 2008|
|February 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|July 2009|
|August 2009|
loyal servants
Paint photoshop
more royal stuffs
NiCe PiCs